Chocolate pods a plenty

Theobroma cacao is the giant seed pod that is the source of our lovely chocolate, cacao nibs, and the luscious cocoa butter that we use on our skin. High in antioxidants, an energy booster, and delicious, cacao has been used by equatorial South American pre-Hispanic cultures along the Yucatán, including the Maya, as far back as 5,300 years ago. The Aztecs used cacao as currency and in spiritual ceremonies. They believed that chocolate was a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl, and drank it as a refreshing beverage, an aphrodisiac, and even to prepare for war. I love the visual contrast in this photo of the warm tones of the cacao and the vibrant moss. I have seen this tree growing throughout the Hawaiian Islands and Jamaica.


Lyon Arboretum in Manoa Valley, Oahu Hawaiian Islands


Selfies with your favorite Flower


Crown Flower (Calotropis gigantea)